Thursday 17 November 2011

Mimpi & Alamat

Mimpi & Alamat
Malam tadi saya bermimpi.. Biasenya, kita akan mimpi sesuatu yang berkait dengan kehidupan seharian kita kan? tapi kali ni mimpi saya agak berbeza..seolah2 suatu mesej atau alamat.. tapi saya xnk fikirkan sangat pun.. just, I googled it today and found that what I've dreamt last night was actually somebody who was actually exist & just died this month.  Sebelum tu, allow me to story you my dream.
Mimpi tu simple je.  I was walking into a room.  All the furnitures are white I may say. Looks like an office equipment & furniture.  But somehow there's a robot (mcm table lamp yg tinggi berkepalakan suction rubber tuh, with a laser eye) staring & waited at me.
I supposed as if I do understand what the robot's required (die tunggu password) I speak out loud with the password of somebody name "Marie Osborne".  The robot then scanned my eye. all the sudden the room transformed itself (like a transformer movie) into a high-technology-Iron-Man laboratory equipment.  How cool is that!!
And still standing, this so called table-lamp-robot took a green contact lense and put right into my left eye.
Does Marie Osborne has a green colored eye?? It was really something to ponder.
Lepas tu??? saya pn terbangunnnn.... hehehee....
Today I googled from my office.  Who is Marie Osborne..And guess what?? I found this article below..
Baby Marie Osborne
Born as Helen Alice Myres in Denver, Colorado, the daughter of Roy and Mary Myres. She soon became — under mysterious circumstances — the child of Leon and Edith Osborn, who called her Marie and added the "e" to the surname, apparently to obscure the adoption.[2] Her foster parents, the Osbornes, introduced their daughter to silent films when they left Colorado to work at Balboa Studios in Long Beach, California. Osborne made her debut in 1914's Kidnapped in New York.


She was a toddler when she made her debut in "Kidnapped in New York," a 1914 potboiler with a tinkling piano to cue the drama. She made 28 more films in five years, including the memorable "Little Mary Sunshine," her 1916 portrayal of a motherless 5-year-old whose love for a drunken father turns him away from the devil brew.

Marie Osborne Yeats died on November 11, 2010 in San Clemente, California, six days after her 99th birthday. She was survived by her daughter, Joan, and five grandchildren.
Mcm mane la die ni boleh masuk dlm mimpi nih? ape kaitannya? I dont even know this person existance!  Dan nk jadi lebih ironi nya pulak, Yes, her eyes are green!
Jeng, jeng, jeng.....
Apakah maksud di sebalik mimpi ku ini? mind to share your story? Do put some comments down there, guys!  bye!

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