Friday 18 November 2011

It's Saturday!

It's Saturday

Hi all,

Today is my hang in da house day with my twins. So what have we do today? Sometimes pictures works better than words... So, jom tgk gambar dan layan....

Hi, wajah sblm mandi...




Cak! ;)

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Location:Shah Alam

I Give Up!

Clarks Sale - Bhg 2

Hi all,

Entry yg lps saya janji nk update what happened after I succesfully entered the Clarks Sale kn?

Haaa, update nye ialah...saya keluar balik tanpa beli ape2! Hahaa! Punyela berjam beratur tapi x beli ape? Mesti semua org bengang.. Tapi ce cube tengok lane yang nk beraturbutk bayaran plak? Logik ke x logik nih?

Umat yg shopping punyela beribu, kaunter bukak dua dan credit card.. Whhaattt!?

Terus saya membatalkan niat dan terus blah dari situ...

Makan lagi baguusss.....

Tempat mkn sgt sunyi...sume pegi sale mane x nya?

Lps mkn ade plak geng tegar yg melakukan percubaab kali ke2 rempuh blk sale tu..saya yg dh super malas ni plak X kuasa nk masuk blk..kem slm je la..tapi geng yg masuk tu kate terbaek sbb kali ke2 cube 20min je dh berjaya bayar siap keluar...noooo! Ruginyaa x ikut! Tapi maybe bagus jugak..selamat duit haku...hahhaha!

Wajah geng sale berani tegar. tahniah kerana berjaya mendapatkan kasut idaman!

Saje je bergambar dgn kasut2 clarks..itu kasut jiran sebelah kami yg memborong sampai dkt 20 bijik!hebat! Xdpt beli bergambar pn jadila...

So, hari ni sale Scholl plak dkt DKSH. Sape nk pegi? Hahaaa...saya surrender dulu...good luck kpd rakan2 yg ke sana.. Nnt boleh kasi hapdate hokey?

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Thursday 17 November 2011

Clarks Sale

Clarks Sale

Gila panjang beratur! Entah bila nk dpt masuk nih...ishk3!

Saya ni bknnya nk sgt beli kasut Clarks saja2 nk merasa menghimpit dlm sale sekali sekala, jgn mare!

Will I buy any? Nantikan update entry yg seterusnya..haha! Mari sambung beratur...

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Location:Jaya One

My Last Day..Farewell Old Office!

Farewell & Welcome!

Hr ni hari terakhir berada di opis monday, pindah opis baru...harap2 saye x mengelamun di pagi hari...tup2, smpi lmbt ke opis baru..bos tanye kenape lmbt? Sorryla bos, i salah tempat..i dh smpi opis lama ni..nnt i dtg opis baru...haisshhh...mintak maklumla, setelah bertahun2 kerja hari2 tanpa mengenal erti jemu di opis ni... (ye ke?) haha!

Till, then, bye! Today is such a busy day for me...

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Location:Damansara Jaya

Mimpi & Alamat

Mimpi & Alamat
Malam tadi saya bermimpi.. Biasenya, kita akan mimpi sesuatu yang berkait dengan kehidupan seharian kita kan? tapi kali ni mimpi saya agak berbeza..seolah2 suatu mesej atau alamat.. tapi saya xnk fikirkan sangat pun.. just, I googled it today and found that what I've dreamt last night was actually somebody who was actually exist & just died this month.  Sebelum tu, allow me to story you my dream.
Mimpi tu simple je.  I was walking into a room.  All the furnitures are white I may say. Looks like an office equipment & furniture.  But somehow there's a robot (mcm table lamp yg tinggi berkepalakan suction rubber tuh, with a laser eye) staring & waited at me.
I supposed as if I do understand what the robot's required (die tunggu password) I speak out loud with the password of somebody name "Marie Osborne".  The robot then scanned my eye. all the sudden the room transformed itself (like a transformer movie) into a high-technology-Iron-Man laboratory equipment.  How cool is that!!
And still standing, this so called table-lamp-robot took a green contact lense and put right into my left eye.
Does Marie Osborne has a green colored eye?? It was really something to ponder.
Lepas tu??? saya pn terbangunnnn.... hehehee....
Today I googled from my office.  Who is Marie Osborne..And guess what?? I found this article below..
Baby Marie Osborne
Born as Helen Alice Myres in Denver, Colorado, the daughter of Roy and Mary Myres. She soon became — under mysterious circumstances — the child of Leon and Edith Osborn, who called her Marie and added the "e" to the surname, apparently to obscure the adoption.[2] Her foster parents, the Osbornes, introduced their daughter to silent films when they left Colorado to work at Balboa Studios in Long Beach, California. Osborne made her debut in 1914's Kidnapped in New York.


She was a toddler when she made her debut in "Kidnapped in New York," a 1914 potboiler with a tinkling piano to cue the drama. She made 28 more films in five years, including the memorable "Little Mary Sunshine," her 1916 portrayal of a motherless 5-year-old whose love for a drunken father turns him away from the devil brew.

Marie Osborne Yeats died on November 11, 2010 in San Clemente, California, six days after her 99th birthday. She was survived by her daughter, Joan, and five grandchildren.
Mcm mane la die ni boleh masuk dlm mimpi nih? ape kaitannya? I dont even know this person existance!  Dan nk jadi lebih ironi nya pulak, Yes, her eyes are green!
Jeng, jeng, jeng.....
Apakah maksud di sebalik mimpi ku ini? mind to share your story? Do put some comments down there, guys!  bye!

Monday 14 November 2011

Macam-macam Lawak

Macam-macam Lawak

Hari ni kita layan lawak jenaka. Enjoy! :D

Lawak 1 – Mana Datangnya Nama Negeri Pahang

Menurut buku yang ditulis oleh R.O. Windstedt nama Pahang pada mulanya ialah Inderapura. Pada suatu ketika Raja negeri Inderapura Makmur Shahbana ketika itu berhasrat menukar nama Inderapura Makmur Shahbana kepada suatu nama yang ringkas dan sedap di dengar. Beliau meminta Bendahara mencadangkan kepada rakyat jelata bahawa beliau akan memberi seuncang emas dan sepersalinan pakaian baru kepada sesiapa yang dapat memberi nama baru yang menarik. Beliau memberi tempoh selama tiga hari untuk orang ramai tampil ke istana mencuba nasib. Pada hari pertama tidak ramai yang datang ke istana. Kalau ada pun seorang dua. Raja Inderapura pula tidak berkenan. Masuk hari kedua jumlah yang datang berkali-kali ganda dari hari pertama namun semua tidak mendapat tempat di hati raja. Pada hari ke tiga datanglah dua orang sahabat karib ke istana ketika hari masih pagi benar. Ketika ditanya apakah nama yang hendak mereka berikan, kedua mereka berlumba-lumba bersuara.

“Hamba cadangkan nama Karma Sari.”
“Hamba pula cadangkan Margapura.”
“Karma Sari lebih molek.”
“Molek lagi Margapura.”
“Pilihlah Karma Sari!”
“Karma Sari!”
“Karma Sari molek!”
“Molek lagi Margapura!”
“Tengkorak hang!”
“Opah hang!”
“Opah hang!”

“Sudah! Sudah!” Tiba-tiba raja Inderapura mencelah,”Dalam banyak-banyak nama yang kamu sebutkan tadi, Beta amat tertarik dengan nama yang terakir kamu berdua berikan tadi, apa tadi… haaa? Opahang! Ya… opahang! Pahang sedap nama tu mulai hari ini beta namakan negeri ini dengan nama baru iaitu Pahang.” Demikianlah kisahnya. :)

Lawak 2 – Robot Pengesan Pembohongan

Samad adalah seorang profesor terulung, dia berhasil mencipta robot yang boleh mengesan pembohongan, dia membuat robot itu sehinggakan ketika mendengar pembohongan, robot tersebut akan terus menampar si pembohong itu…

Samad dengan bangganya membawa robot itu ke ruang tamu dan menunggu anak lelakinya pulang. Tapi anaknya tidak kunjung pulang. Sehingga pagi barulah anaknya pulang.

“Kamu dari mana?” tanya Samad.
“Ada pelajaran tambahan ayah”, jawab anaknya.
*PANG* Robot tersebut menampar anaknya.

“Nak, ini adalah robot ciptaan ayah, dia akan menampar sesiapa yang berbohong! Sekarang katakan dengan jujur, kenapa kamu pulang lewat??!
“Maaf ayah… saya baru habis memonton movie di rumah kawan…”.
“Cerita apa?
“Cerita Papadom ayah”.
“Katakan dengan jujur cerita apa?!”
“Maaf ayah… saya tengok cerita lucah”.

Mendengarkan itu marahlah Samad.
“Kamu nie… kecil-kecil dah nakal… kamu nak jadi apa bila besar nanti?! Malukan ayah saja perbuatan kamu nie. Masa ayah kecil dulu , ayah tak pernah pun buat macam nie.

*PANG* Samad ditampar oleh robotnya.
Suasana hening untuk beberapa ketika…

Isteri Samad kemudian masuk ke ruang tamu dan langsung berkata… “Huh, sama saja kelakuannya, ke mana akan tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi? Bagaimana pun sememangnya dia anak awak…”

Robot menampar isteri Samad sebelum isterinya sempat menyelesaikan kata-katanya…

dan semua terdiam… :)

Lawak 3 – Jual Anak

Di pagi hari yang nyaman,dua orang sudah lanjut usianya duduk berehat-rehat. Pak Abu dan Pak Majid namanya. Yang Pak Abu membaca surat khabar manakala Pak Majid hanya duduk termenung jauh sambil hisap rokok daun.

Pak Abu: Majid, engkau tengoklah berita hari ini. Ada orang sanggup jual anaknya.
Pak Majid: Hmmmmm. Jawab Pak Majib macam acuh tak acuh je.
Pak Abu: Kot pun terdesak nak duit janganlah jual anak. Banyak lagi cara nak dapat duit. Kerja kat pam minyak ke, jual kacang putih ke, jual surat khabar ke. Betul tak Majid…?
Pak Majid:Hmmmmmmm… Sambil mengembus asap rokok daunnya keluar melalui hidungnya…
Pak Abu: Kau ni kenapa Majid? Takkan berita ini kau tak ambil peduli ke? Ini melibatkan kemanusiaan tahu. Binatang pun tahu nak jaga anaknya.
Pak Majid: Hmmmm….Nilah aku nak bagitau engkau. Kalaulah aku masa muda-muda dulu..Aku jual je anak-anakku tu..
Pak Abu: Hah??? Engkau biar betul Majid!
Pak Majid: Hoii.. Engkau sedar tak sekarang ni berada di mana? Sedarlah Abu….Kita sekarang di RUMAH ORANG TUA. Kalaulah aku tahu perangai anak-anak aku tu macam nilah, dah lama dah aku jual budak-budak tu!
Pak Abu: HEHEHEHEHE…. :)

Senyum, jgn x senyum...

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Location:Damansara Jaya

Sunday 13 November 2011

Bersalin Anak Kembar Memanjangkan Umur Si Ibu?

Bersalin Anak Kembar Boleh Memanjangkan Umur Si Ibu?

Tgh2 melayari jalur lebar ni...tibe2 terjumpe artikel menarik.. blom pernah lagi saya buat research psl dunia kembar ni mengatakan seorang ibu yg melahirkan anak kembar boleh memanjangkan umur si Ibu.. iye ker?? Korang pernah dengar?? Jom kita baca artikel nih.

Happy first birthday to Nelson (l) and Eddy Angélil! Céline Dion‘s fraternal twin sons celebrated the milestone with a visit from Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck on Oct. 23 at their home on Jupiter Island, Fla.

Sumber Artikel : LiveScience

Having two babies at a time is associated with a longer life, according to a new study. But that's not because doubling up on dirty diapers increases life span; instead, moms of twins are physically stronger in the first place.

One catch: The research, published today (May 10) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, focused on a "natural fertility" population of women in 1800s Utah, so the results may not apply in today's in vitro fertilization (IVF) world.

However, the findings do suggest that rather than being a reproductive accident that drains mom of energy and nutrients, twins could be an evolutionary adaption in which healthy moms take the chance to pass on double their genes at once.

"We expected the exact opposite," study researcher Shannen Robson of the University of Utah told LiveScience. "We expected that since most humans have one baby at a time, having two would be really burdensome … [Twins] are an identifier of these women who are remarkable, physically exceptional people."

Natural fertility

Identical twins, created when one embryo splits into two during development, appear more or less at random. But fraternal twins, who develop from two separate eggs released and fertilized at the same time, show some patterns of both heritability — they run in families — and environmental influence. Not including twins conceived from IVF, twins account for 6 out of every 1,000 births in Asia, 10 to 20 out of every 1,000 births in the U.S. and Europe, and 40 out of every 1,000 births in Africa.

To look at twinning before reproductive technology and reliable birth control, the team used the Utah Population Database, an enormous genealogical record of Utah residents dating back to the early 1800s. From the database, they pulled family records of women who were born between 1807 and 1899 and who lived to be at least 50, so they experienced their full range of reproductive years. They excluded widows and wives in polygamous families to ensure they were comparing similar women. [The History and Future of Birth Control]

The result was a database of 58,786 women, 4,603 of whom had at least one set of twins. The researchers compared the moms of twins with the moms of singletons, looking for differences in life span, number of children, time between pregnancies and length of fertility, all measures of health.

Mariah Carey twins Moroccan & Monroe.

Double the fun

Flying in the face of the assumption that a double pregnancy would sap a woman's strength, the researchers found that moms of twins beat moms of only singletons on every measure. They lived longer, had longer reproductive life spans, needed less time to recover between pregnancies, and had more children overall. The moms of twins born before 1870 had on average 1.9 more children than moms of singletons in their age group, and the moms in the post-1870 group each had 2.3 kids more than their singleton mom counterparts.

Because twins have a higher likelihood of death than singletons, the researchers adjusted that finding by infant mortality, assuming that a mom of twins might have more babies faster after a child died. After that adjustment, moms of twins still came out ahead, having 1.24 to 1.56 more babies than singleton-only moms. That exceeds the "plus one" effect you get from having twins, Robson said.

The results didn't differ as time went by, even though pioneer women in pre-1870s Utah had worse medical care than women born later. It's hard to compare the 1800s data to today, however, Robson said. IVF has increased the number of twins born. And other factors have changed as well: women have fewer pregnancies overall now than 1800s women in Utah, so their overall chances of having a spontaneous twin pregnancy are lower. One 2001 study of women in rural Gambia, however, did find that mothers of twins had better reproductive health than mothers of only singletons. [Read: 5 Myths of Fertility Treatments]

Robson and her colleagues now hope to look at the Utah women's twins, to see how they fared given the fact that twins are more likely to be premature and have health problems. They also hope to take a closer look at the supermoms who birth twins.

"By identifying them, we can then look at other aspects of what it is about them that makes them more healthy, live longer and have babies at a faster rate than everyone else in the population," Robson said.

You can follow LiveScience senior writer Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas. Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook.

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Eh, Kembar ke?

Hi all,

Base on my own experience as a mother of twins, carrying a multiple birth provide lots of exciting situation towards us. Gembira, takut, risau, x sangka ini terjadi kepada kita, x sabar nk melihat kembar lahir ke dunia, am I going to be famous?? Ini lah perasaan bila kita sendiri mempunyai anak2 kembar kan? For those who already or intentionally going to have one, be ready for this! It’s gonna be splendid!! Yeay!

Bersedia Dengan Komen-komen dari Masyarakat Sekeliling Anda!

If you have gone public with your twin pregnancy, you have probably already noticed that some people have, let’s call it “interesting”, reactions to your situation. Here are some common questions that all mothers of twins in this whole wide world would probably experience it.

Di sini saya sediakan cara-cara untuk kita menjawab soalan atau komen tersebut. Selamat membaca!!

Annoying Comment/Question

Mereka : “Kembar!? Satu pn cukuplah... I’m glad it’s you and not me.”
Jawapan : “I agree – we’re excited!” (stay positive)

Mereka : “Get ready- you’re never going to sleep again.”
Jawapan : No response – just smile and prove them wrong by getting your twins
on a schedule.

Mereka : “Besarnya perut you! Dah berapa bulan ni!?.” (sarcastically)
Jawapan : “Baguslah, itu tandanya babies saya membesar dengan sihat.”

Mereka : “You mengandung ni natural atau pakai IVF?” (do people not realize
this is personal?)
Jawapan : If you really want to shut people up, say “No, we just had sex twice in
one night” (grin) ~ This is my favourite answer..hahah!

Mereka : “Are you going to go on bedrest?”
Jawapan : “I have no idea – that’s up to my doctor.”

Mereka : “You bersalin nanti kena Caesar (C-sect) ker?”
Jawapan : “I have no idea – that’s up to my doctor.”

Mereka : “Ada keturunan kembar ke?”
Jawapan : “Sekarang ni ada lah!” !"(or you can educate people – not many
people know that fraternal twins are hereditary, not identical. I’ve even
met identical twins who didn’t know that)

My point is that some people just don’t have a filtering mechanism. I was surprised that a lot of these comments were made by women who are already mothers and should realize the inappropriateness and negativity of their comments. Just try to grin and bear it, and remember that you are the lucky one who was blessed with two babies. I found that the most encouraging, positive people were the ones who were already moms of twins. To those who have yet to join Kelab Kembar Malaysia, please do so. You have all our support as a mother of twins! Sila klik di website ini

Iklan ini dibawakan oleh TwinQsMummy.

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